{title:You Alone can Rescue(OS065)(CS231)} {subtitle: Capo on 0, Key A} {comment:Verse 1} [A]Who, oh Lord, could sa[D]ve thems[A]elves, Th[D]eir own s[A]oul could [E]heal? Our [F#m]shame was d[A]eeper t[D]han the [A]sea Your g[D]race is [E]deeper [A]still {comment:(repeat verse 1)} {start_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus 1} You alone can re[D]scue, Y[E]ou alone can[F#m] save You alone can l[D]ift us f[E]rom the g[F#m7]rave You came down to f[D]ind us, l[E]ed us out of d[F#m]eath To You alone bel[D]ongs the h[E]ighest p[A]raise[D][E][A] {end_of_chorus} {comment:Verse 2} [A]You, oh Lord, have m[D]ade a w[A]ay The g[D]reat div[A]ide You h[E]eal For w[F#m]hen our h[A]earts were f[D]ar a[A]way Your l[D]ove went f[E]urther s[A]till <> Yes, your lo[D]ve goes f[E]urther s[A]till {start_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus 2} You alone can re[D]scue, Y[E]ou alone can[F#m] save You alone can l[D]ift us f[E]rom the g[F#m7]rave You came down to f[D]ind us, l[E]ed us out of d[F#m]eath To You alone bel[D]ongs the h[E]ighest p[F#m]raise [A] (TO TAG) To You alone bel[D]ongs the h[E]ighest p[F#m]raise To You alone bel[D]ongs the h[E]ighest p[A]raise[D][E][A] {comment:Bridge 1} We li[A]ft up our eyes, lift up our eyes You?re the Gi[D]ver of Life We l[F#m]ift up our eyes, lift up our eyes You?re the G[D]iver of Life {end_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus 2} {ipodid: 10638988398837683465} {tempo-ipad: 94} {tag:CommunionOS} {Key: A}